Nutrition and Chinese Medicine

Here is an informative article published by Golden Flower Herbs, with nutritional guidelines, based on Chinese Medicine, to aid in health and wellbeing.  These may need to be modified and are best used in collaboration with an acupuncturist who can accurately diagnose and suggest dietary advice based on the presenting pattern or diagnosis.  Call me for an appointment, and we can discuss lifestyle changes which can make a big difference in how you feel, based on your personal situation, and where you tend to be out of balance.  206 842-7706


Time to clear the weeds…..

The rate of growth is astounding. Green life is everywhere and plants gain inches if you look away. Every crack has something pushing up as life looks for every possible way to express itself. This can be overwhelming. Weeds can take over, and an aggressive plant can dominate a corner and crowd out shyer beauties. Gardens, yards, and lives need management and attention. Lots of decisions have to made, as so many things are clamoring for attention. Prioritizing and planning, visioning your end goal and breaking things down into small steps- it is a whole job in itself!

The Wood Element, the element of spring, correlates to the liver, which works so hard for our body, to purify our blood and remove toxins. The Liver in Chinese medicine has the role of planning, creating a vision and, paired with the Gall Bladder, implementing the vision with decisions. The liver loves detoxification and our lives also like it when we let go of things that don’t serve and allow the truly important things more time and space. Just pulling out the weeds from around a rose bush lets such beautiful buds emerge. The same holds true on all levels of our lives.

Overwhelm, anxiety, clutter, indecision, an inability to let go of the past, and resentments- these are all weeds crowding out our joy. Most of us have a goal of feeling our best and experiencing a joyful awareness of the present moment with all its possibilities. These negative emotions have to be released for that joy to be experienced. Too often we cope, ignore, or distract rather than really let our feelings release through the process of transformation. When we are functioning well with enough quiet space, we can use intention and awareness to let our feelings pass without getting stuck or thrown off center. Sometimes we need help. We need an energetic boost to shift into a larger perspective where we can find the encouragement to change old patterns, mental and physical. Acupuncture helps.

Inflammation and pain can be a signal that it is time to change, time to purify and detoxify. Our bodies need care and attention, especially as we age. We can really suffer when we overdo or neglect to invest in self-care. Doing too much without good awareness of posture and appropriate rest and stretching can be a recipe for physical pain. Diet can play a big role in how our bodies respond to stress. And our underlying energetics are crucial in how our body responds to our diet- whether it successfully eliminates toxins and absorbs nutrients or whether we get bogged down by systems that are not functioning optimally.   There are so many delicate balances at play. We are miraculous beings and there is much that is not well understood. But we do know that health and wellbeing is a multileveled affair. And we know that our environment, lifestyle, and attitudes all play a role in how we feel.

It takes energy to take care of ourselves. I have been feeling so tired and run down lately, I had to line up some help so that I could implement the things that I knew would help. I saw a nutritional counselor and started some new supplements and herbal remedies. I lined up some acupuncture and committed to healthy priorities. I had some good talks with friends, recognized some ways I could look at things differently and some small changes I could make in my routines so as to take care of myself better. Weeds had taken over and I could feel it in the fatigue I was experiencing in my body, and notice it in my yard, my home, and my business. Small steps were the key to a big turn around.

Facing everything at once is a recipe for more overwhelm and discouragement. We are capable of far more than we imagine if we align ourselves with our goals and surrender to the flow, we don’t have to exhaust ourselves with an uphill battle. Our society encourages us to push, push, push constantly, but alignment is more important than effort. Yoga teaches us to find that balance between a strong foundation and ability to hold, and a loose surrender into ease.

There is too much stimulation in our culture and society. It is harder to get to those things that are really important because you have to wade through a morass of input that we don’t really want. At the same time, really quality things are available to us- we just have to sharpen our willingness to make good choices and make sure to make the time to be quiet and to restore, so that we don’t end up reaching for sugar, caffeine, and inflammation producing substances, just because we are tired and distracted.

If you are not feeling your best, decide to improve your wellbeing by working on a lot of levels. First, find a way to encourage yourself. Quiet, meditation, and rest are essential. Do one or two small things to improve your circumstances- clear out a drawer, weed a corner, repot a plant, taking a load of unused goods to Good Will, set up an acupuncture appointment, do some yoga, cross things off your to do list, whether you have done them or not. Small steps speak to a higher power about the direction we are moving.

Create a vision of your wellbeing- what will you do with the extra energy? What is it that you would like to improve and how would it feel when that is in place. Cultivate gratitude as the cornerstone of your life. Let the obstacles to joy dissipate with mindfulness and awareness. If you have chronic pain or soreness, realize that it can take quite awhile for your body to reset and ongoing maintenance is the key. Recognize the pain as an opportunity for self care. Don‘t be one of those people who won’t stop until they are in pain- tune in and get a sense of what your body needs and wants. Make a plan for prevention and maintenance; it is the best form of self-love.

Make acupuncture a part of your wellness program, whether it is weekly, biweekly, monthly or seasonally, as encouraging the underlying energy, or Qi, is one of the most powerful things you can do to stay well.

I wish you joy, good health, and a life lived with appreciation.  Call if I can help- 206 842-7706

Acupuncture at the Oso disaster

Very, very moving day at the Oso firehouse, control central for the huge recovery effort, at the Acupuncturist Without Borders supported clinic. community acuWe ended up doing 11 treatments at the community acupuncture station, which was a nice steady stream, not overwhelming, but we definitely felt appreciated. We treated mainly responders and volunteers, and they wanted to talk, share, and decompress.


firehouse hugs, meals, cameraderie, and chaosThe cameraderie at the firehouse was beautiful to behold, especially with so many agencies involved. The atmosphere was supportive, peaceful, and loosely but effectively organized. The Fire Chief and the leaders are so young, so friendly, just a great inclusive style. People were engaged in their tasks, whether that was just checking in with people stopping by, dealing with administration, managing the enormous amount of supplies that are showing up there regularly, or debriefing in small causal circles.  And there was a lot of hanging and chatting. Everyone was friendly- happy to talk, share, and give and receive support.  There was some breaking down, and as always after a huge event, the focus of every conversation was the slide, the aftermath, and the rescue efforts.  People have no room for anything else. People were coping with their grief by helping each other cope.


The acupuncture clinic had been set up by volunteers with Acupuncturists Without Borders, an amazing effort and really well done.  The ear acupuncture connects people to their own inner resources a bit more, so they can relax, sleep better, and integrate their experience. You could tell that the idea of acupuncture for stress reduction and emotional well-being was not a familiar concept, and there were many who just wouldn’t go for it.  Katherin&meBut momentum built throughout the day and many people will be back tomorrow and over the days to come. Volunteer acupuncturists from around the state will keep the clinic going. It was wonderful that there was three of us, as we could do a lot of outreach without leaving the clinic unattended.   We took turns wandering around the firehouse and engaging different people- the Red Cross mental health volunteer from Honolulu, the kitchen ladies who were mostly local, the volunteer firefighters from Everett who were spelling the exhausted Oso crew, the family from Snohomish who were manning the incoming equipment desk, the chaplains who had been listening to stories all week. Many people, once we had talked to them for a bit, decided to come for a treatment. Several had not experienced acupuncture before.  I know they will be back, there was a great sinking down of shoulders and opening of hearts.


So many people sharing…..and so many people giving. The huge outpouring of support and volunteerism was really heartwarming, the local people really appreciated it enormously! The treatments were really valued too.  Some used the opportunity to sit quietly and tell stories of the past days and weeks, and we learned so much about what people have been experiencing.  poster from the first dayThere was the Chaplin who needed to talk about being out on the pile with a group of responders when a baby’s body was found, and how the young military guy broke down and the Chaplin talked to him for hours until he felt better.  People helping people to feel better, spreading the grief out, making it more bearable though sharing. Nobody having to be alone.  Some women were there with therapy dogs- flown up by Alaska airlines, exhausted and in pain after almost a week of giving. The treatment was so helpful!  The young local college girl, who was coming back every weekend and every chance she got to help in the kitchen.  She wants to take over the annual Easter egg hunt, that had always happened in the Oso firehouse, now a central command station for lots of organizations and the huge recovery effort. She wants to give the children something normal, something to look forward to.  She is going to volunteer to make it happen, she wants to contribute.


And there was another young woman who burst into tears talking about how people had asked, ”how can you live there, in a slide prone zone?”- she felt judged, in pain, and she loves her community.  I listened to her and held her, and I know how much it helped.  Healing comes when people move beyond blame but sink into the pain of loss and let that be a wave followed by a wave of appreciation for the capacity of people to be their for each other.  So many people have come to Oso wanting to help. Oso letter


It is hard to take in the immensity of the loss to the community, but really enriching to see the human spirit rising to meet the pain, to witness people staying so present and engaged, and to feel hearts so connected to each other.  I am very grateful to have been able to participate.  Big thank you to AWB and all the others who are making this work possible.  Much gratitude to everyone for all the love and caring!  Makes me feel better about the world.  Oso Strong!  Oso hopeful!Oso strong


Elemental Harmony

The changing seasons remind us of all the forces within us that emerge at different times. We see this diversity also in the stages of life, and of any project, from potential to vision to implementation to maintenance to evaluation.  Everywhere there are natural cycles. These days, so busy, we forget the ebb and flow, and think we should be going full bore all the time.  We have to find time to plan, to evaluate, to meditate, as well as time to implement. In Chinese medicine, these stages or phases are referred to as the 5 Elements.  Understanding the interplay of these dynamic influences can help us attune to qualities within us. We can experience the benefits of achieving harmony and balance and understand the cause of illness, fatigue, and stress.

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