Water is the Element of stillness. I picked up Hugh Prather’s A Book Of Games, from 1981. I opened it and there was a chapter about stillness. It was given to me by my beloved adopted family from Florida, and today I noticed the inscription, it was given to them by their relatives who live here on Bainbridge Island. Still waters run deep and we are all connected in that depth.
His chapter the Dreamer moved me. “There is no problem that a quiet mind will not answer, because all problems arise from intense mental activity. Stillness permits a gentle correction of perception to occur. To see any light at all is to no longer see darkness. Any aspect of happiness, when chosen over mental pressure, will bring with it all happiness. And if one is happy, he is also kind……Say to yourself, ‘Today , I am the dreamer of this dream. Everything is therefore as I wish it to be. How, then, do I wish it? ‘And now bless everyone you see, and everything. Today, no darkness is outside your reach, because nothing is outside of you today. You live the contents of your mind today, and only that. Today, there are no other minds. So be still a moment, and forgive each thing within your mind. You wish a dream of love in which to move about, not a dream of angry judgments and of hate. Today, an entirely difference goal is yours: You rule the world. And you will the world into a kingdom of light”.
His book gives me hope, that I can find a place of peace and happiness. Just like my meditation class and practice give me hope that I can loosen the grip that my wild horse mind and moods have on my spirit. Just as my exercise practice gives me hope that I can stay flexible and strong by moving. Just as my moments with loved ones give me hope that I am deeply connected. Just as singing, dancing, kayaking, laughing, walking, writing, and all creative focus, keeps me hopeful that I can feel full of life and can be loving and kind and at peace. As long as I am hopeful, I feel happy, and I feel that things are flowing. It is interesting how it takes becoming still, to feel like I am in the flow, and it takes flowing and moving, to recognize the stilness. Still waters run deep.
What are you doing today to tap into that deep, still place where your dreams reside? What are you doing to free the flow?
I am always moved by how acupuncture promotes stillness in the treatment room. The pathways where Qi is stuck and not moving, open, and the flow allows for a deep stillness of the mind and relaxation of the body. Physical pain occurs when there is no flow, when there is stagnation, or where there is a deficiency, where we cannot get what we need from our source.
The needles nudge the system to reset, to allow flow, to connect to source, to adopt a new perspective. It can take a while for a new, healthy pattern to predominate. Make regular 5 Element Acupuncture treatments a part of your wellness program, to help you access the deeper stillness, where healing occurs. It is easier to stay well, then to recover.
Acupuncture is not emergency medicine or something to use as a last resort, when you have tried everything else. Acupuncture is a lifestyle tool, like nutrition and exercise, which helps us maintain health, physical and mental. You may need a series of visits if you have an acute problem, but we all need regular acupuncture “tune ups” to reconnect to our capacity to heal- body, mind, and spirit.
Call today to book an appointment: 206 842-7706