Health means Straight and Relaxed

In a Qi Gong class today, the teacher told us that the word for ‘health’ in Asia comes from the words for straight and relaxed. What a nice image. I can see it throughout nature- healthy plants growing straight and tall on a firm foundation; relaxed, moving and growing without effort, waving branches flexibly in the breeze. It is such a good model for living.

Too often, we can find ourselves, rushed, cramped, collapsed, or tight. Life makes so many demands, it can be a challenge to stay straight and relaxed. We want to push and effort through our days. Stress!  And that eventually shows up as physical pain and illness.

My favorite remedy is to find balance through mindful activity. I love doing things that move qi and that take concentration so that I don’t focus on my to do list and the million things on my mind, but just relax into the moment, thinking about what is at hand, whatever is calling me to be straight, to be a direct channel between heaven and earth.

I make sure to prioritize time for myself, and time for doing things that are important to me. It doesn’t have to take long, but a few minutes of yoga can help me straighten out after a long sit at the computer. Singing helps me relax when I have been thinking and planning a lot. Getting out on the water for a paddle makes me feel expansive and helps me counter all the contracting forces of life in the Land of Mundania.

We simply can’t find true health, and our best self, if we just concentrate on productivity. We need to incorporate those things that help us relax so that we can find a way to grow straight. Straight means a clear channel between heaven and earth. We want to be firmly grounded with a strong foundation so that the important pieces of our life receive the attention they need. And relaxed doesn’t mean collapsed or distracted. We want to relax and let the wonders of life move us, be spontaneous enough to take advantage of opportunities, present enough to fully appreciate the miracles around us, open enough to let gratitude stir us, and flexible enough that we can change with the winds of life and grow towards our dreams.

Health is bringing the life of spirit, heaven, into our daily lives, and putting a firm earthly foundation, so that we are rooted, grow straight, and stay flexible and relaxed, into our life as spiritual beings.

Acupuncture is a wonderful modality for a healthy life. If you want to be straighter and more relaxed, consider some treatments to help remove any blocks to the flow of qi, and to strengthening that connection to your inner resources, to the you that is a bridge between heaven and earth. Call today- 206 842-7706

Consider joining me on one of my upcoming trips. You can read about the Oaxaca trip here and the upcoming women’s kayak trip here.