What Have We Learned?

Well, the light is emerging and but it is still the deep dark of winter.  Now that the spark of the holiday season has died down, it is a good time to deeply reflect.  This ongoing experience of COVID gives us a lot to reflect on.

What can you take out of this experience? How can you use it to further your goals for this coming year? What have you gained?  What have your learned?

I feel that I have learned so much from the experience of living with a COVID pandemic.  Like so many of life’s most important lessons, I am ready for it to be over! I am ready to move on! But oh well. 

It does help to sit with the learning and realize the benefits.  And it helps to imagine a world where we all actually learn, grow, and change from reflecting on our experiences.  The world needs us to.

The COVID pandemic taught me that we are all connected.  I learned this in a very visceral way.  It is clear that what I do will affect others and that the conditions that others face will impact me. 

We have to take care of each other, take care of our planet, and take care of ourselves.  We are not alone.

COVID taught me that people have widely different ideas. I have to be compassionate and understanding, even though I might disagree.  People that I know and love have a different perspective on disease, vaccines, prevention, public health and many topics. 

I have my firm beliefs: that vaccines are needed for us to overcome this pandemic, that masks are important, and that we should all take steps for public safety for the good of all.  But I know that not everyone shares these beliefs. I want to continue to love, accept, and appreciate people despite our differences. 

Judging, shaming, and arguing won’t change anyone’s behavior.  And there is no way to have all the answers or to be completely sure of anything.  So I just accept that my beliefs are really my opinions.

Relationships matter.  Compassionate acceptance is the only way forward for me. I want to maintain my own inner peace in the face of polarizing beliefs.  I accept that there is much that I don’t know.

We have been reminded by COVID that things can change in a minute, so we have to focus on our most important priorities- the people we love, the things we are passionate about, the difference we want to make- and just not waste time on anything else.

COVID helped me clarify what really matters and what I really need.  There is so much that is just fluff.  Fluff is nice, mind you, but not worth worrying about. 

What matters is kindness, a sense of connection, a purpose, a way to give, mutual caring, a deep appreciation for all that we have, things to do that feel good and bring joy, inner peace. For me, it seems pretty simple, really. 

Because of the COVID pandemic, I am more deeply aware that I might lose the things that are most precious to me.  Indeed, I will, at some point.  Everything is transitory.  So, the best thing to do is not to cling, but to appreciate, and to never take for granted some pleasure, to really relish all that is good.

The pandemic has helped me love the life I have and live the life I love. I don’t need a lot to feel good, but I do need to deeply appreciate all the small wonders that make life special.  It has helped me to want to be kind to strangers and to engage more authentically with people.  It has taught me to take care of myself so as not to burden others.  It has motivated me to work for justice and equality, to learn more about what other people face, to share their burden and to see that we are all in this together.

What have you gotten out of the experience of this last year?  I would love to hear your takeaway.  Join my FB group JourneyForPurpose, where we will be talking about it.

In this new year, take some time for yourself to reflect on what matters most to you.  I hope you can incorporate the lessons of the past into the changes you want to see. I wish you a new year full of blessings.

Hopefully this will be the year where you deepen into a selfcare routine that gives you what you truly need. I hope you can welcome in any needed energetic shifts, so that you can incorporate new learnings and release old patterns.

As always, come to see me if you want an energetic tune up, either in person or on zoom.  And stay in touch for opportunities to join online and in person retreats and journeys!