I am available for online sessions. These incredibly supportive sessions can help you transform negative emotions so that you can positively impact your immune system and flood your entire body with wellbeing. We also can address pain and physical health issues.
Together we can consider you health concerns and decide on modalities that will help you cope, thrive, and recover from whatever is holding you back.
I can offer you guided acupressure sessions which can address pain as well as other imbalances including anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and depression.
I also offer lifestyle support and we can find small changes that you can easily implement which will make a lot of difference for you. You can charge up your immunity, your energy, and your positive attitude.
These are difficult and challenging times and we all need support. Chinese medicine has a lot of answers, so reach out and connect with me.
I can offer you Chinese herbal remedies, essential oil recommendations, guided meditations for calming, wellbeing, and immune boosting, qi gong exercises to keep the qi flowing, as well as guided acupressure sessions.
Join me and others for an online course: Navigate Change, Tools for Uncertain Times.
The course is a self paced online course based on the 5 Element system filled with tools and tips.
Once registered, you will be informed of upcoming live interactive zoom sessions associated with each element, and will have access to recordings of these zooms.
We will experience the incredible benefits of Chinese Medicine, energy medicine, indigenous wisdom, and essential oils. Lift your spirits and learn and practice tools for well being.
Available to all so spread the word. Text me for more info: 206 842-7706 or sign up for my newsletter to receive the invitation.